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Resolvendo UMA Ofdencia Com поэзия зависимости управления зависимостью

Усандо о поэзии Para Gerenciar UM Pequeno Projeto EM Python, Me Deparo Com O Seguinte erro Ao Instala … Теги с поэзией, Python, управлением, кодом.



$ poetry add newspaper3k

Using version ^0.2.8 for newspaper3k

Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (1.3s)

file could not be opened successfully

Falhou Ao Instalar endencia.

Executei o Mesmo Comando Acima Passando -VVV Para exibir как Mensagens de Отладка Omiti Parte Do Debug COM [...] Pra Não FiCar Muito Extenso:

$ poetry add newspaper3k -vvv
Using virtualenv: 

PyPI: 18 packages found for newspaper3k *
Using version ^0.2.8 for newspaper3k

Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...


PyPI: 1 packages found for newspaper3k >=0.2.8,<0.3.0


   1: selecting feedfinder2 (0.0.4)
PyPI: Getting info for feedparser (5.2.1) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: feedparser-5.2.1.tar.bz2
   1: Version solving took 0.791 seconds.
   1: Tried 1 solutions.

file could not be opened successfully

Traceback (most recent call last):


"/home/jhoonb/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/pkginfo/sdist.py", line 26, in _get_archive
    archive = tarfile.TarFile.open(fqn)
  File "/home/jhoonb/.asdf/installs/python/3.8.2/lib/python3.8/tarfile.py", line 1604, in open
    raise ReadError("file could not be opened successfully")

O Instalador Tentou Baixar E Abrir Seguinte либ FeedParser-5.2.1.tar.bz2 , NãO Conseguiu E Retornou erro Файл не может быть успешно открыт Отказ

А lib Newsaper3k зависимость де FeedParser , Mas Por Algum Motivo Qubrou Na Instalação.

TENTANDO Instalar Зависит от que quebrou через Поэзия :

$ poetry add feedparser -vvv 


PyPI: 12 packages found for feedparser *
Using version ^5.2.1 for feedparser

Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...


PyPI: 1 packages found for feedparser >=5.2.1,<6.0.0
PyPI: Getting info for feedparser (5.2.1) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: feedparser-5.2.1.tar.bz2
   1: Version solving took 0.759 seconds.
   1: Tried 1 solutions.

file could not be opened successfully

Traceback (most recent call last):


"/home/jhoonb/.asdf/installs/python/3.8.2/lib/python3.8/tarfile.py", line 1604, in open
    raise ReadError("file could not be opened successfully")

NãO ConseguiMos Instalar A lib Отказ Mas Tentando Instalar Pelo Пип instalação éncerāda:

$ pip3 install feedparser      
pip3 install feedparser  
Collecting feedparser
  Using cached feedparser-5.2.1.tar.gz (252 kB)
Building wheels for collected packages: feedparser
  Building wheel for feedparser (setup.py) ... done
  Created wheel for feedparser: filename=feedparser-5.2.1-py3-none-any.whl size=44939 [...]
Successfully built feedparser
Installing collected packages: feedparser
Successfully installed feedparser-5.2.1

O Проблема deve ser нет Поэзия Vamos Tentar Instalar Essa Ofdencia Apontando Para гадость нет Филиал Мастер , Порский POR Padrão O Friends É Развивать :

$ poetry add git+https://github.com/kurtmckee/feedparser.git#master

Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (14.3s)

Writing lock file

Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals

  - Installing feedparser (5.2.1 cf41851)

Instalado Com Sucesso! Agora Vamos Tentar Instalar A либ Newsaper3k :

$ poetry add newspaper3k                                           
Using version ^0.2.8 for newspaper3k

Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (16.2s)

Writing lock file

Package operations: 23 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

  - Installing certifi (2020.6.20)
  - Installing chardet (3.0.4)
  - Installing idna (2.10)
  - Installing urllib3 (1.25.9)
  - Installing requests (2.24.0)
  - Installing soupsieve (1.9.6)
  - Installing beautifulsoup4 (4.9.1)
  - Installing click (7.1.2)
  - Installing joblib (0.16.0)
  - Installing regex (2020.6.8)
  - Installing requests-file (1.5.1)
  - Installing tqdm (4.47.0)
  - Installing cssselect (1.1.0)
  - Installing feedfinder2 (0.0.4)
  - Installing jieba3k (0.35.1)
  - Installing lxml (4.5.1)
  - Installing nltk (3.5)
  - Installing pillow (7.2.0)
  - Installing python-dateutil (2.8.1)
  - Installing pyyaml (5.3.1)
  - Installing tinysegmenter (0.3)
  - Installing tldextract (2.2.2)
  - Installing newspaper3k (0.2.8)

Conseguimos Instalar! TiveMos que adicionar endeência FeedParser Диретаменте Em Nosso Projeto Apontando Пара портить Эм Филиал Мастер Отказ

FICA EM ABERTO A endão do Поэзия NãO Conseguir Instalar a lib Newsaper3k com enedência diretamente. O Пип Conseguiu Resolver O Проблема.

Оригинал: “https://dev.to/jhoonb/resolvendo-uma-dependencia-com-poetry-dependency-management-74f”