Advent of Code 2020 (4 части серии)
Вот мое решение до 3 дня:
from typing import Tuple with open('input.txt') as file: input = file.readlines() puzzle_input = [line.strip() for line in input] two_d_array = [] for line in puzzle_input: two_d_array.append([char for char in line]) horizontal_length = len(two_d_array[0]) vertical_length = len(two_d_array) slopes = [ {"horizontal_shifts": 1, "vertical_shifts": 1}, {"horizontal_shifts": 3, "vertical_shifts": 1}, {"horizontal_shifts": 5, "vertical_shifts": 1}, {"horizontal_shifts": 7, "vertical_shifts": 1}, {"horizontal_shifts": 1, "vertical_shifts": 2}, ] def over_three_down_one( current_row: int, current_column: int, horizontal_shifts: int, vertical_shifts: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: current_row += vertical_shifts current_column += horizontal_shifts if current_column > (horizontal_length - 1): current_column = (current_column%horizontal_length) return current_row, current_column def traverse_slope(horizontal_shifts: int, vertical_shifts: int) -> int: current_row = 0 current_column = 0 tree_collisions = 0 while current_row < vertical_length - 1: current_row, current_column = over_three_down_one( current_row, current_column, horizontal_shifts, vertical_shifts) if two_d_array[current_row][current_column] == '#': tree_collisions += 1 return tree_collisions answer = 1 for slope in slopes: answer *= traverse_slope(slope['horizontal_shifts'], slope['vertical_shifts']) print(f'Answer: {answer}')
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Advent of Code 2020 (4 части серии)
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